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  • Q False is a hundred diseases, and the system is well regulated by Hongshan

    When the body presents deficiency, if it is not treated in time, the accumulation will be long, the body will present disease, according to what deficiency, the symptom of the body nourishment is very necessary, eating cordyceps is also a good choice.
    Cordyceps sinensis has the effect of supporting the right and consolidating the root, and Cordyceps sinensis is a mild tonic, even if it is a double supplement of yin and yang, it also has the function of tonifying the lungs and kidneys. Take three to six grams per day. The method of taking is also very simple, first beat into powder, low temperature brewing and drinking.
  • Q Buy cordyceps, how to eat it so as not to waste the effect of cordyceps

    Inner Mongolia Jiazhi Agricultural Technology Co. LTD will explain how to eat cordyceps so as not to waste its maximum effect. Cordyceps can be boiled water for tea, rather than soaked in boiling water, which is simple and effective. Usually, cordyceps should be boiled for 6~10 minutes at a time, pay attention to the use of a simmer, the boiling time is short, the water should be drunk immediately after boiling, add water while drinking, in the darkest time of cordyceps water is the most nutritious time, this time of water must not be wasted. Usually, Cordyceps sinensis water will go through a process from light to thick and then light, and the aftertaste is also very long.
    The traditional cordyceps banquet eating method, separating different types of meat, can be eaten with duck, black chicken, turtle, meat exhibition, pigeon, etc., this method is to coordinate the delicious diet, daily health care and conditioning of the body commonly used, long-term consumption effect is good. Cordyceps acts on the immune system like adjusting the volume to keep it in tip-top shape.
    Cordyceps has a slightly fishy smell of a dry and decaying insect body and an aroma mixed with grass mushrooms, which is the unique taste of Cordyceps sinensis.
  • Q Medicinal and dietary applications of fresh cordyceps

    Although cordyceps is very effective, it is generally dried cordyceps sold on the market, because the time to harvest cordyceps is less than one month a year, and fresh cordyceps is extremely difficult to store for a long time, so it can only be dried or dried and sold. So do you know the medicinal and dietary therapeutic application of fresh cordyceps?
    The places where Cordyceps sinensis grows in China are of good quality in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, that is, the alpine meadows at an altitude of 3,800 to 6,000 meters. Freshly picked cordyceps has more nutritional value. Not only has medicinal value, but even the therapeutic effect is very good.
    In the Ming Dynasty's "Plant Name Actual Picture Examination", it is recorded: "Yangcheng is harvested for food, the clouds are delicious, and the cover is the same as the grass worm." "It can be seen that cordyceps has a long history of consumption in China. And there are various ways to eat, such as the famous Cordyceps simmered dog meat in Shaanxi, while in Fujian there is stewed Cordyceps sinensis chicken, Guangdong Cordyceps sinensis stewed leopard fox, Qinghai also has fried cordyceps delicacies. Although the eating methods are different in different places, they can play a good role. Folk also have ways to eat cordyceps stewed fish, fried cordyceps and so on.
    Institutions specializing in the study of Cordyceps sinensis believe that the active ingredients of Cordyceps contain volatile substances such as biological enzymes and peptides that are easily destroyed. Traditional methods, such as drying, stewing, soaking, powdering, etc., will cause the loss of active ingredients, resulting in low efficacy utilization and failure to achieve the expected purpose of nourishment and treatment.
    From the perspective of science and technology, the best dietary treatment method of cordyceps is to chew fresh cordyceps directly, which can not only reduce the nutrient loss problem during processing, but also improve the utilization rate, take less amount, and have better clinical results. And directly eat cordyceps raw, because of its freshness, excellent taste, both nutritious and delicious. This is also the purest way to eat it.
    Of course, there are many ways to use cordyceps, if consumers are interested, please continue to pay attention to the information on the website of Inner Mongolia Jiazhi Agricultural Technology Company.
  • Q How Cordyceps australis is managed

    Cordyceps austrasis, also known as Cordyceps militaris, belongs to the order Ergomycetes of the ascomycetes and the family Ergomycetes. In recent years, wild resources have become increasingly scarce, and the cultivated northern cordyceps has been well received by consumers for its good health care results. The following is an introduction to how northern cordyceps is managed and how to manage it.
    Northern cordyceps cultivation method
    1.The cultivation technology of silkworm pupae cultivation base is based on live silkworm pupae or silkworm pupae as the host insect, and artificial infection with Cordyceps militaris asexual form constitutes Cordyceps militaris.
    2.Rice cultivation base cultivation is based on rice cultivation base to cultivate hyphae and sub-colonies. The consumption cycle is about 45~60 days, and it can be harvested twice. In addition to fruiting bodies, mycelium cultivated in rice cultivation base also contains bioactive components similar to the fruiting base, which can be used for medicinal purposes or as raw materials for food processing, and the biological efficiency can reach 70%~80%. Choose silkworm pupae or mulberry silkworm pupae as the host, or use rice cultivation base to apply natural temperature can be cultivated for two seasons a year, spring planting in March ~ May, autumn planting in August ~ October, if in indoor artificial control environment can be cultivated in all seasons.
    3.The method of cultivating northern cordyceps by rice cultivation base: process flow: preparation of beveled strains→ preparation of cultivation base→ sterilization→ cooling →inoculation→ cultivation → management of mycelium growth stage→ fruiting body cultivation management→ first harvest→ supplementary nutrient solution→ second harvest → processing. Prepare strains and purchase strains from units or individuals with cultivation experience every year. Rice, sorghum, crushed corn need to be soaked in water for 5~6 hours, drained and steamed in a steamer, mixed with other ingredients, the water content is about 65%, divided into canned bottles, the amount is 1/4~1/3 of the bottle capacity, and the bottle mouth is sealed with polypropylene film.
  • Q Which is better, freeze-dried cordyceps or sun-dried hay

    Inner Mongolia Jiazhi Agricultural Technology Co. LTD tells you that with the development of freeze-drying technology, a lot of freeze-dried foods and medicinal materials have appeared on the market, and the precious Chinese medicinal material Cordyceps sinensis has also joined the ranks of freeze-dried. Which is better freeze-dried cordyceps or sun dried? This is a collision of technology and tradition, each with its own merits. It's like cooking food. There are steaming, frying, boiling, frying, filling, roasting and other methods. While each cooking method has its own advantages and disadvantages, the quality of the ingredients themselves is key. The basis for flavor and nutrition. Similarly, cordyceps itself has advantages and disadvantages, which are divided into wild cordyceps and laboratory-grown cordyceps. At present, wild cordyceps generally adhere to the traditional sun-dried and rarely freeze-dried; Laboratory-grown cordyceps is almost exclusively freeze-dried and is the main source of freeze-dried cordyceps.


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